best time to fertilize lawn

You have a beautiful lawn. You really want to maintain it so that you can retain its greenness and beautiful appearance. You know that fertilizing your lawn is the best way to maintain it.

But here’s a problem. You don’t know which is the best time to fertilize your lawn. If this is what you are worried about, then you don’t have to go further!

best time to fertilize lawn

In this post, we are going to be looking at what is the best time to fertilize your lawn, how often you need to use fertilizer to your lawn, how soon you can fertilize after seeding your lawn and much more.

So without anymore delay, let’s get started!

Best Time to Fertilize Your Lawn

Usually, spring is the right weather to fertilize your lawn for the first time. After a tough winter season, this is the exact weather your lawn needs. The spring season provides more daylight time and hence, it is the ideal time you can lay your first feeding.

Although this is the case, there is another way with which you can determine when to get started with fertilizing your lawn.

Actually, this root is pretty simple. You can calculate the temperature of the soil and based on the results, determine the right time and feed your lawn. But first time lawn owners may find this process a bit complicated.

So if you are a first time lawn owner and you don’t have the facilities to test the soil temperature, then you don’t have to be in any doubt that the spring is the right time to fertilize your lawn.

There are several other factors that determine the best time to fertilize your lawn and they include the area you live in, the climatic zone of your locality and the type of grass you are dealing with. Generally, March to April is the right time to fertilize your lawn.

The critical fact you need to note is in order to improve the observance of both your soil and lawn, it is best that you water the entire yard few days before you apply the actual fertilizer. If the watering is done through the natural rain, then it’s all good. But if it’s not happening, then you can always use a sprinkler.

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Benefits of Fertilizing Your Lawn

  • Fertilizer gives your lawn additional nutrients and prevents the growth of crabgrass. Hence your lawn grows thick and green.
  • When you apply the right fertilizer at the right time, you’ll have a healthy lawn and the nutrients of the soil will be preserved.

Tips to Apply Fertilizer to Your Lawn

  • When you apply fertilizer to your lawn, always start with its perimeter.
  • After that, apply it in the middle portion.
  • Apply the fertilizer in straight lines and it should be back and forth.
  • Always use a lawn spreader instead of your hands. A lawn spreader spreads the fertilizer evenly. So it is the best way to go.

How Often You Need to Use Fertilizer to Your Lawn?

Even though a fertilizer gives you a whole host of benefits to your lawn, it’s never a good idea to over doing it. A full feed is recommended 4 times per year. You need to feed your lawn when it is growing quicker.

However, it is very important to consider your area climate and the type of grass present in your lawn before you decide on the frequency of your feeding cycle. Also, keep an eye out on the amount of water your grass gets and reapply the fertilizer accordingly.

Six to eight weeks gap is the ideal time between one reapplication to another. Watch out the quality of your grass. If it looks thick and green, then its better you avoid feeding.

If your grass is beginning to look brown or black, then feeding is necessary.

How soon you can fertilize After Seeding Your Lawn?

It is not a good idea to always apply fertilizer after seeding your lawn. The correct time to fertilize your lawn is either before or during the seeding process. You can use a starter fertilizer that has a quick-release nitrogen formulation.

Unlike any other plant, lawn grass requires more nitrogen and hence, the seeds will get a significant nutritional boost if you go this way. If you fertilize your lawn during the seeding process, there is a higher chance that your grass grows quicker and lush green in a short span of time.


Our guide would have provided you a clear overview of what is the best time to fertilize your lawn. You need to keep in mind the climatic condition of your area and the type of grass you are dealing with before you decide to purchase a fertilizer for your lawn.

Want to share your opinion about this guide? Put them in the comments section below!

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FAQs on Best Time to Fertilize Your Lawn

How Weather Impacts lawn Fertilizer Application?

It doesn’t matter what kind of fertilizer you use, it’s critical that you don’t apply it during drought and heavy rainfall periods. Almost all fertilizers require several watering in order to fully soak into the soil and the roots of the grass.

So if you apply a fertilizer to your lawn during a drought period, your grass is vulnerable to slow growth and lawn burn.

If you apply fertilizer during the heavy rain period, the running water will carry away the fertilizer and therefore prevents it from getting proper nutrients to grow healthily.

Do I fertilize my lawn before or after rain?

It is always a good practice to fertilize your lawn either several days before an expected heavy rainfall or after a few days of rainfall. If you do it during a rainy period, then there isn’t any chance of the fertilizer getting observed into the soil, leaving your lawn nutrient deficient.

Previous articleHow to Develop a Lawn Fertilizer Schedule? A Detailed Overview
Next articleWhat Kind of Fertilizer Do You Need for Your Lawn? A Detailed Guide
Karthick, an accomplished Mobile and Technology Editor at, regularly puts the latest tech gadgets through their paces. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his writing. Additionally, Karthick holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.


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